
Photo: This photo was taken at a food distrubtion site, I thought it would be a nice photo when I noticed a chair had fallen over and a potato & orange rolled over by it.

Traditional cultural foods veganized

The Mendocino Bakery Offers something Vegan you can enjoy order and have it shipped to you. Mendocino Bakery makes vegan oatmeal cookies and vegan chocolate chip cookies. "Our oatmeal raisin cookies are soft and moist. They are also gluten-free, vegan, corn-free and soy-free ..." Their vegan oatmeal cookies don't have oil, they do have sugar. For those folks who don't eat sugar at all these won't  work for you. But for those vegans ho do eat a few sweet treats sweetened with sugar, these are very tasty with good fiber content. Link

This Black-Owned Business Is Bringing Plant-Based 'Soul Food' to Black Communities" on YouTube link 

"Vegan Pan Dulce | LATINX Owned Businesses" on YouTube link


 "The 'World's First' vegan Jewish deli | Bite Size"   YouTube link

The Power of Plants with Ben Costanzo of Plant Based Mafia! Italian Vegan Restaurant!" YouTube link

Must Try Iconic New York Food: VEGAN Style! | Fresh Made Bagels" YouTube link

* [Some times I enjoy using old spellings of words and alternative spelling of words used in other countries, it's  a part of word "spelling" history. Like oyl (even though the linked info says oyl is obsolete it is not, some folks still call their products that, such as olive oyl & African healing oyl) and catchup is another word  that has another spelling, etc).

The next challenge vegan chefs have is how to whole food plant based nutritionize foods with no added sugar, oyl, salt or calcium. Ther are many folks who are whole food plant based who know this is important activism as well as an opportunity for new food creators to make meatless meats with no salt, oyl, sugar or added calcium supplements  so that there are options for vegans / whole food plant based folks who don't want to eat foods with any added s.o.s.c. So that there good healthy choices for all the the vegans and whole food plant based folks.

Vegan Activism & People of Various Cultures And Their Experiences Being Plant Based

 "Angela Davis on Veganism" "the lack of critical engagement with the food we eat, demonstrates the extent that the commodity form has become the primary way we perceive the world, we don't  go further than that ..... that would revolutionary to image the human and non human relations that constitute our environment." YouTube link

"33 Years Vegan! Louis Carl Eagle Warrior Native American Vegan" 80 year old activist, says they feel great and its time to up the protest to stop the slaughter. YouTube link

Why We Should Be Activists" with Genesis Butler" Genesis is a vegan activist since early childhood, she is a teenager now. She persuaded her parents to become vegan. YouTube link

In-depth: Why Black Americans are the fastest-growing vegan demographic in the country" I had no idea that Africa Americans  are the fastest growing plant-based diet demographic when I started plant based eating. I think this is very  interesting and exciting.  YouTube link

Genesis Butler learns more about her uncle Cesar Chavez and their shared fight for a kinder world" Genesis talks about her letter to the Pope to become vegan for 40 days plus more. YouTube link

"Tracye McQuirter | 10,000 Black Vegan Women"  YouTube link

 "This Doctor's Advice For Going Vegan" Dr Jasmol Sardana YouTube link

"The Surprisingly Black History of Veganism"  YouTube link

 "Margaret Robinson - Indigenous veganism: Feminist Natives Eat Tofu - A Canadian Indigenous view on veganism. Human Rights are Animal Rights" on YouTube link

Indigenous American "My experience as a vegan, native american and queer animal rights activist - Gerardo Tristan" YouTube link 

 "Indigenous Veganism" short poetic statements about being vegan YouTube link

The Promise of Human Regeneration: Forever Young" Lab Grown Human Organs and 3D printed human organs

Bioreactor grown human organs with the individual's cells. It's very interesting, it reminds of the bioreactor's used to grow or brew meat from animal cells, except this is human cells. If it works it will end some of the bad reactions some people have had with organ transplants. YouTube

How Much Do Doctors Actually Know About Nutrition?" This is a very interesting study, it shows that doctors aren't taught nutrition in medical school.  YouTube


Erythritol Is More Effective Than Xylitol and Sorbitol in Managing Oral Health Endpoints

"Erythritol Suppresses Harmful Bacteria and Reduces Biofilm (Dental Plaque)

Erythritol was investigated for its potential to inhibit the growth of bacteria in dental plaque (i.e., a biofilm of microbial accumulations, particularly S. mutans" link 

Dr. Greger said he has to change his tune now, because he research that shows erythritol to be a very beneficial sweetner with good antioxidants and unlike xylitol and several others it doesn't cause a  laxative effect, link to that info:

⚠️⚠️ Erythritol Warning from Dr. Greger new study says it might cause blood clots, so stop using it until more research it done, it's better safe than taking the risk.

⚠️Update above as of March /10/2023 "Erythritol May Be a Sweet Antioxidant"  YouTube link

Sugar Substitutes And Gut Bacteria

"So far, only saccharin and sucralose (NNSs) and stevia (NS) change the composition of the gut microbiota. By definition, a prebiotic is a nondigestible food ingredient, but some polyols can be absorbed, at least partially, in the small intestine by passive diffusion: however, a number of them, such as isomalt, maltitol, lactitol, and xylitol, can reach the large bowel and increase the numbers of bifidobacteria in humans. Further research on the effects of sweeteners on the composition of the human gut microbiome is necessary."

    It would be great to have unsweetened chewing available for folks who don't want any kind of sweeteners. It would be good to have non- flavored or plain and many flavors of unsweeted chewing gum. Article link


Alert:  reoccurring E.coli in Romaine Lettuce.  I read a article a while back about romaine lettuce with a firm warning: "don't eat romaine lettuce unless you are certain it is not from Salinas California." I searched for more info recently and found this information:   "FDA to Implement Sampling Effort for Lettuce Grown in Salinas Valley, California Between May 2021 thru November 2021", to trace the reoccuring E. coli contamination. more info  

FDA's Test of Lettuce Grown In Salinas California results  for 2019 2020: "Although the results of the sample testing did not find dangerous Salmonella or E. coli, the FDA said those results did not negate the fact that microbial hazards have repeatedly been “linked to foodborne illnesses associated with romaine lettuce consumption.” link

Is It Safe to Eat Romaine Lettuce (2020)?

In 2018 "Only six cities in California were linked to the current E coli outbreak, according to US FDA. The green leafy vegetables harvested in Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, or Ventura" and now Salinas is added to the list. Link

 Innovations Or  Bio-food a human hazard?

With news reports of transforming plastic bottles with E'coli into a food ingredient, vanillin, we certainly aren't being too far out by calling them Sci-Fi foods or a food- hazard, you can eat them  and put them on your skin but it's most likely not good for the body. Why not transform the plastic bottles into non edible things like pallets, crates to non-edible supplies etc.?


Plant-Based Cheese That Melts Coming Soon W/O Coconut Oil 

There are some advancements in making plant based cheese that actually melts like cow's cheese and according to several articles, this new plant based cheese will help folks give up dairy cheese. Because it's made to be more like dairy cheese with corn zein and the makers intent to make this cheese without coconut oil. I hope they also make it without adding calcium supplements or large amounts of salt to it. Their forecast release time period is the end of 2021.

"Dr. Alejandro Marangoni, Tier I Canada Research Chair in Food, Health and Aging at Guelph, said in an interview that the university and Motif FoodWorks intend to fully replace coconut oil as the fat of choice in plant-based alternatives." Link 


"Is Air Fried Food Really Healthier? |Talking Point Full Episode"YouTube

Some opinions on

Lab Grown / Brewed Meat

Questions are being asked about manufacturing brewed meats; Will Lab grown meat producers make the lab grown meat healthier?  Will they make lab grown/brewed meat with no fat, no cholesterol? Is it irresponsible not to make lab brewed meat healthier?  Now that humans can brew animal based lab grown meat, will the brewing of Plant-Based lab grown meat be soon to follow? 

Plant Based Whole Food Doctors  Spill The Truth About Lab Grown Meat They don't cover all the questions typed above but they have a interesting discussion about the topic. (*FULL PANEL DISCUSSION*) YouTube

According To The Documentary "Vegan 2020" the largest meat company is JBS, the documentary points out JBS has a vegan product line. Are their vegan products healthier or do they contain large amounts of added salt, oil and sugar?

Some Of My Personal Experiences 
Many plant based doctors recommend not eating foods high in saturated fats whether it comes from plants or not. A good example is coconut oil, cocoa butter, ..... Atleast try not to eat it alot. Cocoa butter is in chocolate unless you make your own with cocoa powder without adding cocoa butter or buy it made that way. It can be difficult to avoid foods with added oils completely many people do. I haven't gotten there yet. I'm working on it. Almost 3 years ago now I gave up meat completely, I'm working on the rest of the things on my list. In a class I took about whole food plant-based plant-based nutrition one of things that was emphasized about being successful at eating this way, be careful about cutting out everything to quickly. Because that can cause failure so it's best not to handle it that way. Patience is key, it's  normal crave some of the foods you set goals to avoid and it's okay if you have some of them if it comes that, their advice is to just keep going on with your whole foods plant based nutrition goals and you'll get better at eating the way you set your goals. 
Some whole food plant based folks like me, set goals to eat no plant based food made with oil, or no  vegan baked goods  make with sugar. So when or if they do eat that stuff sometimes, the suggestions is don't give up. That's what I'm doing, it's part of the adventure of learning about this and getting better at it. I haven't gone back to eating meat, but some of the other things on my list, like some of the prepackaged foods that have  oil, salt and sugar in their ingredients I still eat. I try to eat the ones with the lowest amount. For example; I found a brand of hummus with no added oil or sugar but it does have added salt, its 50 or 75 mg per serving. This added salt is far less than many of the other brands. Another is Casa Sanchez  organic tortilla chips the have no added sugar or salt but they have 4g of fat per serving. Hopefully soon chip companies will have air fried chips instead oil fried, then we can have crispy oil free chips on store shelves as a option. I eat less prepacked hummus and chips over all than I use to. This is one of my examples of the stuff I still eat thats on my list to not eat. Based on Dr. Esselstyn's suggestions about prevention. And My choice to still eat this stuff sometimes is also based on suggestions from Dr. M. Mills who states how important it is to eat plant based, and acknowledges sometimes people are gonna wanta have some desserts etc. and based on my decision to keep going towards goal to make better food choices for me. 

"Whether you call it mock, faux, or plant-based meat, vegetarian substitutes for beef, pork, chicken (and even seafood) have a long history in the greater China region—and a delicious future." This  Plant-Based meat is not lab grown from animal cells, so it's health impact is going to be different in the body than the lab grown meat that brewed from animal cells. Link to article 

High Sodium and  Saturated Fat in Vegan Meats
Beyond Meat, Impossible meatless meat, many non dairy frozen deserts  all add coconut oil, cream or milk to substitute the fat in meat and dairy. Coconut oil,  cream and canned coconut milk have saturated fat, some test show it registers in the body like McDonalds. Currently Beyond Meat and Impossible foods do not offer any coconut fat free or sodium free options for their faux meat products neither does "so delicious" "nada moo" and many others. However Double Rainbow does offer coconut oil free soy ice cream called " soy cream" it has canola oil in it so it's not oil free, but it not coconut oil. Maybe soon a company will offer organic vegan oil free non dairy ice cream sweetened with fruit. As I've stated before many companies offer faux meats but the majority are to high in sodium and as of now they also don't offer any no salt added versions of their plant meats, whether it's seitan, or tofurky they're loaded with sodium.

Dr. Greger shared some research information on research done on eating coconut oil.
 "Does Coconut Oil Clog Arteries?" on YouTube

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